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Job Fair

    October 22, 2015

    PA CareerLink Adams County and the Adams County Economic Development Corporation are conducting a job fair on Friday November 13, 2015 from 9am till 2pm.  The site will be the CareerLink offices at 150 V-Twin Drive in Gettysburg.  Each employer will be provided a table and chairs, so you can meet with job seekers.  Space is limited to 40 participants on a first come/first served basis.

    A registration of $50 to help cover the cost of advertising is being charged.  Checks should be made payable to the South Central Workforce Investment Board and either sent with the registration form  or turned in the day of the event.

    Click Here for the registration form.  Please complete and return the registration form to Alan Dudley:

    email: ;

    fax:  717-334-3869; or

    mail:  PA CareerLink Adams County, 150 V-Twin Drive, Gettysburg, PA  17325

    Questions can be directed to Alan Dudley at 334-1173 ext 210, or Kaycee Kemper 334-0042 ext 2,