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    September Meeting - Artfully Moving Mountains

    Date: September 26, 2018, 11:00am
    Bay City Restaurant
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    Please note that in order to keep our event registration fees down in a constantly rising economy, we observe a policy regarding the last-minute cancellation of registrations.  If you RSVP and are no longer able to attend, you will still be responsible for the event registration fee if you do not notify our Treasurer, Jenn Kremenik at or 443-821-1140 prior to the event registration deadline the Friday before the event.  Electronic Invoices will be emailed out immediately following the event for those that were unable to attend.  We appreciate your understanding in this matter!



    Artfully Moving Mountains

    Speaker:  Samm Smeltzer

    Did you know there are tiny things called micro-inequities that can create BIG issues within your organization? They are subtle, typically unconscious and unintentional but have become known as the quiet discrimination. What do they do? They send messages of judgment without you even knowing. They also have the ability to pass these judgments on. And that? Creates a mountain of ill will and miscommunication.

    In this eye-opening presentation, Samm shares the science behind these non-verbal queues that keep people disconnected. Micro-inequities are non-verbal conversations we have every day. By recognizing how these micro-inequities can manifest and increasing our awareness of our own, we can choose to make shifts that can transform these actions from disconnection to connection. From exclusionary to inclusive. From discriminatory to empowering.